
Prepare your Fitness Business for the Holidays

Prepare your Fitness Business for the Holidays

Owning a fitness business is more than just hanging out at the gym all day and chugging protein shakes. There is a LOT to it, especially during the holiday season. Yes, you have the day-to-day you always have, but now you are even more focused on all the other little details that are creeping up on you (think advertising and marketing, membership freezes, client retention due to holiday madness, stocking inventory, meal and party prepping…and of course, the New Year’s Resolution rush).

Because of all of this and more, it can be hard to keep up with marketing and social media efforts, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do! This is an even more important time to stay on task and on point with all your advertising efforts. This is the time to go hard or go home!

But guess what? I have a special place in my heart for all things fitness. Maybe it’s the fact that I have owned (and still do) a few different fitness companies. Maybe it’s that I am a lover of movement. Whatever the reason, I’m here to help all those amazing fitness companies, from CrossFit to Pole Studios get a little control, a little traction, and a lot of extra help.

Download a copy of my 2022 Holiday Content and Marketing Guide for your fitness business. It’s completely free and filled with content ideas for engagement, contests, promotions, and more. It also gives you some key insights to where you need to be focusing your energies and when. Think of it as a personal trainer for your business.

Inside you’ll find:

  • Day-by-day suggestions on what to post
  • Reminders of best dates to promote
  • Tips on when to start planning what (like when to order inventory or start a gift card promotion)
  • Holiday offer suggestions
  • Strategy for client and instructor engagement and support
  • How to embrace the holiday season in ways that won’t exhaust you
  • And more!

Take something off your plate! You focus on training your clients, and I will focus on conditioning your business! Happy holidays and stay tuned for tips to make the New Year’s Resolution rush the absolute best part of your year!

Prepare your Fitness Business for the Holidays
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